martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Boletín de inteligencia de mercados N° 285

noviembre 29, 2016 0
artesanias Boletín No. 285 - Lima, 28 de Noviembre del 2016
Sectores productivos

¿Conoces las futuras tendencias en moda para 2017?
En cuanto a los colores, las tres tonalidades top que destacan son el granate, el mostaza y el verde, tonos originales y llamativos fácilmente combinables que derrochan estilo.
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EY sitúa el crecimiento de la cosmética en un 3,9%
Ernst & Young (EY) ha presentado la sexta edición del informe "The luxury and cosmetics financial factbook", en el que analiza la situaión financiera global de las 30 principales empresas cotizadas en el mercado global.
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China fomentará consumo de servicios
El Gobierno de China publicó hoy lunes directrices para impulsar el consumo de servicios como parte de sus esfuerzos por convertir el sector terciario en un nuevo motor de crecimiento.
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Envío inaugural de productos peruanos a China
La empresa agroindustrial Camposol envió sus productos agrícolas en el primer vuelo inaugural a China.
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La Libertad lidera exportaciones de arándanos con 86% de participación
Seis regiones impulsaron valor de envíos de arándanos entre enero y setiembre
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Coyuntura Económica

Empresas rusas van a la conquista del mercado latinoamericano
La devaluación de la moneda rusa, causada por una serie de factores como el desplome en los precios del petróleo y las sanciones occidentales, hizo mucho más competitivos los productos y servicios que ofrece el país
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Esperan impacto positivo de APEC en inversiones
Según estadísticas de ADEX, las exportaciones peruanas a los países que conforman APEC sumaron 14,946 millones de dólares entre enero y septiembre de este año, cifra que significa un crecimiento de 7 % respecto al 2015
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Valor de las exportaciones de A. Latina y el Caribe se contraerá 5% este año
La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe(CEPAL) explicó en un informe que la combinación de un persistente sesgo recesivo y el proteccionismo ha llevado a una coyuntura difícil para las economias
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Estudios Especializados
Informes especializados
 Nuevos Mercados SUDÁFRICA
 Ficha técnica cómo negociar con Chile
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Enlaces de interés
Inteligencia de Mercados
World Rankings Design
Asociación chilena de call centers
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sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016


noviembre 26, 2016 0

Naturally Healthy Beverages in Peru


  • Naturally healthy beverages records value growth of 11% in 2015 to reach n/s519 million
  • The health trend in the country encourages consumers to migrate from carbonates and artificial juice to more natural and healthy options in 2015
  • NH hot drinks represents a 79% retail value share of naturally healthy beverages in 2015
  • NH fruit/herbal tea records the highest retail value growth of 17% in 2015
  • Industrias Alimenticias Cusco leads with a 24% value share
  • Natural healthy beverages is expected to record a value CAGR of 7% at constant 2015 prices over the forecast period


  • The health trend in Peru is becoming stronger year after year, due to an increase in the rates of obesity among children and adults. Consumers are looking for healthier beverages options combined with better eating habits and physical activity. Naturally healthy beverages represented 25% of total retail value sales of HW beverages in 2015 and the most important category within NH was NH hot drinks, which accounted for 79% of category retail value sales.
  • NH fruit/herbal tea recorded the fastest retail value growth of 17% in 2015 and it is expected to enjoy a positive performance over the forecast period.
  • NH superfruit juice had not been developed in Peru by the end of the review period, although consumers are eager to know more about the properties of certain fruit and are likely to embrace the industrialisation of these ingredients in order to have healthier and functional products. Products such as golden berry or Peruvian berry are becoming popular for their high vitamin C content, while other fruits such as cocona, yacon and camu camu are also popular. However industrialisation of these products is limited, leading to low volume sales.
  • The majority of NH RTD brands are domestic, although international brands can also be found, with innovative blends such as blueberry white tea or pomegranate green tea. Traditional flavours such as green tea, black tea, peach or lemon are preferred by consumers and their prices are accessible thanks to Ajeper with its Free Tea brand, which entered the category with affordable prices. Reduced sugar versions of NH RTD tea are available, however not all brands have this type of product and by the end of the review period none had launched a product sweetened with stevia.
  • Naturally health beverages are not perceived as helpful in addressing health conditions, although they are considered a better option for health due to their natural ingredients. Reduced sugar beverages definitely do not aggravate conditions such as diabetes and allow the consumer to have a sweet beverage without the risk of jeopardising their health.
  • Naturally healthy beverages, such as NH 100% juice, which require a cooled distribution chain and to be refrigerated at the point of sale are mostly offered in supermarkets and hypermarkets, although some mid-size independent grocers are beginning to have the conditions needed to store the product efficiently. Other naturally healthy beverages, such as NH bottled water and NH RTD tea are sold across distribution channels, because they do not require special storage conditions. These products are available in supermarkets, hypermarkets, independent small grocers and stalls, among others, throughout the country. This wide distribution network ensures widespread penetration and availability.


viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016


noviembre 25, 2016 0


Expoalimentaria es la principal plataforma de negocios internacional del sector alimentos, bebidas, maquinaria, equipos, insumos, envases y embalajes, servicios, restaurantes y gastronomía más importante de Latinoamérica, la cual se constituye como el punto de encuentro internacional de empresas exportadoras, y selectos compradores provenientes de los cinco continentes.
Congrega más de 43,600 visitantes profesionales, asimismo, más de 650 empresas exhiben sus productos y lo último en tecnología.

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