domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016



País: Austria
Capital: Viena
Moneda: Euro
Idiomas oficiales: Idioma alemán, Alemán de Austria

Sector: Austria

·         Reed Exhibitions es el primer organizador de eventos del mundo
Con una cartera de aproximadamente 500 eventos en 40 países, incluyendo el Reino Unido, Austria, EE.UU., Francia, Alemania, Brasil, Rusia, India, China, Australia y Oriente Medio. Reed Exhibitions, que emplea a cerca de 3.500 empleados, es una división de relx Group, un proveedor de soluciones de información y flujo de trabajo profesional en los sectores de la ciencia, medicina, gestión de riesgo legal y de negocios.
Reed Exhibitions en Austria
·         En 2015 alrededor de 950.000 visitantes (comercio) / participantes asistieron a un total de 134 ferias y eventos organizados exteriores, etapas u organizadas por la exposiciones Reed Messe Salzburgo y filiales de exposiciones Reed Messe Wien
·         Ferias Reed son etapas ideales de la que varias industrias son capaces de mostrar sus productos y servicios, recopilar y distribuir información, tomar decisiones, para, venta y establecer contactos de negocios a nivel personal con los principales ejecutivos de compra.
·         Salzburgo es la ciudad anfitriona superior de Austria para ferias en Austria.

Ferias nacionales de comercio: eventos especializados que se centran en temas y sectores austriacos y los importadores internacionales.
Las ferias comerciales interregionales: presentaciones de mercado que cruzan las fronteras, con un enfoque particular en el sur de Alemania y el norte de Italia, Europa oriental y central.
Las ferias internacionales: eventos del sector internacional posicionado con una fuerte participación de Austria.
Eventos de clientes (en Messe Wien): Congresos, ferias de congresos, conferencias, presentaciones, eventos de empresa, ferias comerciales organizadas por otros agentes

Estilo de vida de los consumidores de Austria

Austria gasto del consumidor 1988-2016 | datos | Gráfico | Calendario | Pronóstico

El gasto de los consumidores en Austria aumentó a 39.003,90 euros millones de dólares en el cuarto trimestre de 2015, desde 38.925,30 euros millones de dólares en el tercer trimestre de 2015. El gasto de los consumidores en Austria un promedio de 35.567,89 euros millones desde 1988 hasta 2015, alcanzando un máximo histórico de 39.220 Millones de euros en el primer trimestre de 2012 y un mínimo de 30.426,80 euros millones en el primer trimestre de 1996. el gasto de los consumidores en Austria ha informado por el Estadísticas Austria.


Estadística de compra (hot-Drinks) en Austria

Hot Drinks in Austria

Industry Overview | 04 Feb 2016


Premium varieties drive sales of hot drinks

Sales of hot drinks in Austria in 2015 were driven largely by rising demand for higher-priced premium varieties. This development was particularly apparent in coffee, which retained its leading position within hot drinks in Austria. While fresh ground coffee pods again registered strong above-market-average growth in both retail volume and value terms, significant declines were suffered by lower-unit-priced standard fresh ground coffee. The middle ground was occupied by fresh coffee beans, which witnessed modest value and volume gains. Tea, the second largest category within hot drinks in Austria, experienced a comparable, if less pronounced premiumisation trend, with organic and more exotic varieties in greater demand.

Consumer focus shifts toward sustainability

Austrian consumers continued to place greater emphasis on sustainable coffee and tea production in their purchasing decisions. This trend benefited fairtrade products, which maintained their strong growth trajectory, posting a growth rate even superior to that of fresh ground coffee pods. While fairtrade products still represented only a small part of the Austrian hot drinks market in 2015, they are expected to double their value share over the forecast period. Within tea, consumer concerns for sustainability also resulted in increasing demand for varieties that were brewed with domestically-grown fruit and herbs.

Large manufacturers characterise the hot drinks market

Given the high sales volumes of coffee within hot drinks in Austria, coffee remained the category with the strongest presence of multinational corporations, with Tchibo-Eduscho, Mondelez and Nestlé jointly accounting for a significant share of the category. Julius Meinl retained its position as the largest domestic coffee manufacturer, while discount supermarket chain, Hofer, managed to hold on to its role as the leading supplier of private label. Tea, meanwhile, continued to be strongly led by Teekanne, with Milford Tee, the Austrian subsidiary of German-based Laurens Spethmann, placed a distant second. Other hot drinks was led by and Nestlé and Mondelez.

Product innovation focuses on highly-competitive fresh ground coffee pods

Most new product development again occurred in the highly-competitive fresh ground coffee pods category. Driven by prospects of larger profits due to substantially higher unit prices, amid continued consumer acceptance of higher prices for premium coffee, more than a dozen different brands vied for share among Nespresso-compatible pods in 2015. Furthermore, discounters Spar and Hofer entered the category with their Café Royal and 100% Espresso ranges, respectively. Nestlé managed to increase its share in fresh ground coffee pods due to high sales of its popular Nescafé Dolce Gusto and Nespresso brands.

Hot drinks set for a steady performance

Hot drinks is expected to register steady annual growth rates over the forecast period. Growth will likely be driven primarily by a strong performance in coffee, in which, despite fierce competition, resilient consumer demand for premium varieties will allow fresh ground coffee pods to continue to post strong growth rates. Tea will experience positive growth, whereas other hot drinks will suffer declines as a result of growing consumer health concerns.

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