Población: 1.356 millones
Capital: Beijing /Pekín (19,6 mill. habitantes).
ciudades: Shanghai 23 millones; Chongqing 12,9 mill.; Guangdong
11,8 mill.; Tianjin 10,8 mill.; Shenzhen 10,7 mill. (2014)
Idioma: Hay seis lenguas principales en China, además del
Mandarín (o Putonghua).
Moneda: Renminbi (Rmb). 1 Euro = 8,093 Renminbi (aprox).
Religión: Confucionismo, Taoismo y Budismo. Estimaciones de los
practicantes de las distintas creencias son difíciles de
realizar. No obstante se barajan: Taoismo (aprox. 20
millones); Budismo (aprox. 100 millones); Cristianismo:
católicos, (aprox. 5 millones), protestantes, (aprox. 15
millones); Musulmanes: (aprox. 20 millones).
Forma de
Estado: República.
• Una deflación de precios al exportar productos a precios impensados en Occidente.
• Una insaciable demanda de materias primas que no solo impulsó un superciclo de commodities sino que llenó de dólares los tesoros de las economías en desarrollo.
• Un mercado de consumo de dimensiones únicas y potencial más allá de la imaginación.
• Reservas internacionales por 4 billones de dólares con las que ha financiado los déficit de los americanos y europeos.
Esta feria se realizara en la provincia de Cantón en china, esta feria se dirige para tres sectores muy importantes en el ámbito del Comercio Internacional:
Primera Fase : Productos electrónicos y electrodomésticos; materiales de construcción y ferretería; maquinaria y equipos.
Segunda Fase : Productos de Consumo Cotidiano y Regalos
Tercera Fase : Textiles y Ropa.
Estilo de Vida del Consumidor en China

Lifestyle of Chinese People
Consumer Electronics in China
Industry Overview | 02 Dec 2015
Executive Summary
Consumer electronics continues to grow in spite of macroeconomic slowdown
Although the growth of the economy slowed down in China in 2015, overall consumer electronics continued to grow, especially in new categories of wearable electronics and OLED TVs due to their innovation and smart functions. Nevertheless, some traditional electronics such as imaging devices, portable media players, home audio and cinema and portable players suffered declines in 2015 due to threats from smart devices including smartphones, tablets and smart TVs.
Consumer electronics tend to be equipped with smarter functions
In 2015, functions of consumer electronics were upgraded to be smarter. For instance, smart audios developed by can be controlled by sound to download music and audio books automatically to the cloud, answer queries including weather forecasts, daily news and voice messages and control smart home appliances, such as lighting, switches, air conditioners, humidifiers, purifiers and sweepers.
Domestic brands witness faster development compared to internationals
Domestic manufactures accounted for increasing shares of consumer electronics due to improved technology and growing brand reputation. In 2015, Xiaomi Technology Co Ltd ranked first due to its extraordinary performance in smartphones, smart TVs and wearable electronics. Furthermore, the large efforts within research and development and innovation contributed to its success. Conversely, international brands experienced depression due to the threats from domestic brands.
Electronics and appliance specialist retailers remains as core channel despite huge threat from internet retailers
Traditional electronics and appliance specialist retailers maintained its dominant position in consumer electronics in China. It upgraded flagship stores to enhance the consumer experience and interaction. Nevertheless, the channel was threatened heavily by internet retailing due to its enlarged delivery area. To survive competition from internet retailing, electronics and appliance specialist retailers also opened its own e-commerce stores and made huge efforts to develop its logistics system, including establishing its own logistic infrastructure and cooperating with other leading logistic companies.
Consumer electronics is expected to record slower growth over the forecast period
The volume sales of consumer economics will record slower growth over the forecast period mainly caused by the economy slowdown and longer replacement cycle. As the market becomes statured, the growth rate of demand will also slow down. Nevertheless, volume sales of innovative smart devices are predicted to grow. Meanwhile, with growing disposal incomes, consumers will show a tendency to purchase high-end products.
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